Mainslider Slavery means that one person acts as if he or she owns another.1 1. Note: The High Court of Australia has ruled that it is impossible for one person to “own” another under Australian law. The legal tests for slavery in Australia are eleven extreme forms of over-control that in effect amount to ownership. These tests or indicia can be found in R v Wei Tang (2008) 237 CLR 1, para 28. | Photo credit: Zeyn Afuang Being treated as if owned is what makes slavery a serious domestic and international crime (and in some settings a crime against humanity). At Risk

Slavery Links campaign priority —

Call to recognise the treaty against slavery as one of Australia’s “core” human rights obligations.
Success in this campaign will educate politicians about slavery, each time a new Bill goes through Parliament. Campaign success would also make freedom from slavery eligible for development of a school curriculum; and would bring this freedom into the remit of the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC). Download: Policy paper

Slavery Links business priority —

To operate as a reliable centre of excellence through the next decade, to shape Australia’s anti-slavery future, Slavery Links must employ a nucleus of paid staff.
Staff will have ongoing support (from our network of pro bono mentors) to undertake the central tasks of research and policy development. Download chart: Four outcomes

Slavery Links’ strategy —

The law can be a driver of change. This insight is a key to Slavery Links’ strategy and approach.
Three laws define how Australian entities should develop anti-slavery corporate cultures, how they should manage supply chains to remove ‘modern’ slavery, and how governments should work towards freedom from forced labour-servitude and slavery. Download chart: Three laws

The business of slavery —

In a global economy, Australia is exposed to slavery through trade, migration and tourism.
It is a crime to reduce a person to slavery, with intent or recklessly. Business and other organisations must develop systems and a culture to keep them free of slavery. Directors and managers can be liable for slavery in their business. Place an order: The Business of Slavery

At Risk.  Photo credit : Hermes Rivera

How to support Slavery Links

Effect change

Slavery Links relies on the support of its members, one-off donations, or ongoing monthly donations to continue its work.
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      The business of slavery: information about

      Mark Burton (2018). In a global economy, Australia is exposed to slavery through trade, migration and

          The next national steps on the Modern Slavery

          Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 came into effect on 1 January 2019. It complements the existing